b kn

Představujeme se 2000/2001

Projekt ÚPPPV PaF Univerzity Hradec Králové na podporu vstupu ČR do EU.
Informace o projektu najdete na adrese: http://kmen.uhk.cz


ZŠ Loučeň 5.tř



ZŠ loučeň



Our class

5.tř. 6 boys, 12 girls, teacher Mgr.Renata Nová






What are we learning

Czech language, Maths, Englisch, Geography, Science, Art, Music.We like physical education.






The interesting thing in the class

We have a big carpet at the back o the clasroom. We relax there and sometimes we also learn there. Galls, play minifootball with paper galls or play „Šlakák“.








Our village

Our has 1100 in habitants Willage is surrounded by beaufitut mixed Forests with many ponds and several Fountains. In Loučeň, there  are  baroque change and castle from 18th century. The owners of the castle were. From the dynasty of Thurn Taxis.




Point of interest

In Jabkenice lived a Famous czech compositor Bedřich Smetana, When he bedame deaf. He lived there at his dauther and dauqnter´s husband in gamekeeper´s lodge. Today the game keeper´s lodge sevvers as a museum of Bedřich Smetana.